at the doj hit with a lawsuit feeling to ignore a protest outside of supreme court justices in the wake of the historic abortion ruling. brian: the heritage foundation said the american people deserve to know why joe biden and attorney general garlin not only to condemn the behavior but why they continue not to prosecute or hold accountable those who broke the law but the proceedings of the supreme court. ainsley: the five cohost to geraldo rivera, good morning to you. good morning, good morning ainsley, hi, brian, pete, what s up? chilly in cleveland, too. ainsley: you might get snow as well. brian: just wait for the yankees to get to town. ainsley: geraldo, what do you think about this? yankees getting to town. ainsley: sorry, i have a delay here. do you all want to keep going?
progress. overall, inflation is 2% over the last three months. that is down from 11% over the prior three months. that is progress. republican wanes that inflation will get worse. it is that simple. watching the 5:00 local news last night before we went to bed, all three of the big networks and we only saw one sound bite. they seem to care very little about what president biden was actually saying. they cared a lot more about the impact his trip was having on traffic. back to you. brian: well matt, thanks for working overtime, peter. we appreciate that perspective as the president goes out to talk to the people on the west coast. peter doocy, thanks. a couple of things matter, number one the president the president of the united states keeps dismissing inflation is going up. not as up, gas prices are going down he claims. no, they were going up and look here $7. they have always done that around here.
will continue to talk to the voters who are parents and concerned about education. here is another wrinkle in this, say you live in eastern oregon, all right? and you want to be represented in your capital. maybe you don t want crt or, you know genter disorient talk to your second-grader. maybe you want to be part of idaho because idaho seems to reflect your values better. there are two counties i believe in oregon who have now voted to succeed from oregon in joining idaho. you are looking at the map 17 counties in eastern oregon want to be a part of idaho instead. brian, i don t know how this works. can you vote to leave a state as a county because it looks like they are trying to do that? brian: i don t remember that county but how we acquire states for a country, but how does a county leave a state? i think the overall picture is
ainsley: weight, were you talking? brian: unbelievable. you totally dissed me. you will get it when you come back. ainsley: you are saying it too, brian, i know all these smart individuals at fox. you will only hear it on fox, guess that is the point. you will not hear that in the government. if you are a democrat, you basically get away with anything right now. the media will not report on it, and you will not be held accountable for it. look at hunter biden. look at his family and anything they have done, brushed under the rug and ignored. brian: you can t even ignore it because we live it. ainsley: gas prices up 20%. electricity. when you open your electric bill, gas, by the grace of god, god has blessed us. i think about my dad on a fixed income or my grandparents who didn t have a lot in the bank account and were just barely getting by. that is how many families are around the country.
some of the panel that we are talking to parents have higher them and say they are bringing people into the office because they are good individuals. it is a hard school to get into, but this gentleman on the front row has hired how many of them? seven. and you love them all. they are the best. harvard grads all across the country. ainsley: why is that and what makes the students different? they have self starting can-do attitude and any supervisor are the best that you want. they ve got the wide breadth of skills. ainsley: that is great. let s talk about u.s. parents putting food on the table, gas in your car. it is expensive right now but inflation, feeling the effects of inflation. that is how the rest of the country feels also superior the majority of us, that is the number one issue going into midterms. pete, brian, that is a conversation this morning. we have been talking about education. we have been meeting with this group for what, two years now.