Clearwater Paper Co. (NYSE:CLW – Get Rating) was the recipient of a large drop in short interest in April. As of April 30th, there was short interest totalling 192,500 shares, a drop of 11.0% from the April 15th total of 216,400 shares. Currently, 1.2% of the company’s shares are sold short. Based on an average […]
Clearwater Paper Co. (NYSE:CLW – Get Rating) was the recipient of a significant decline in short interest in April. As of April 30th, there was short interest totalling 192,500 shares, a decline of 11.0% from the April 15th total of 216,400 shares. Based on an average trading volume of 140,800 shares, the short-interest ratio is […] upgraded shares of Clearwater Paper (NYSE:CLW – Get Rating) from a hold rating to a buy rating in a report released on Wednesday morning. Other equities analysts have also issued research reports about the company. Royal Bank of Canada upgraded Clearwater Paper from a sector perform rating to an outperform rating and lifted their […]
Clearwater Paper Co. (NYSE:CLW – Get Rating) VP Michael S. Gadd sold 6,126 shares of the stock in a transaction on Friday, May 5th. The shares were sold at an average price of $32.09, for a total value of $196,583.34. Following the sale, the vice president now owns 68,025 shares in the company, valued at […] downgraded shares of Clearwater Paper (NYSE:CLW – Get Rating) from a buy rating to a hold rating in a research report released on Tuesday. Other research analysts also recently issued reports about the stock. TheStreet downgraded shares of Clearwater Paper from a b rating to a c rating in a research report on Wednesday, […]