problem. that is the enormous debt we have. that s why moody and s&p threatened the downgrade. not because of the default. we have revenue to service our debt. it is about the enormous amount of debt we have. we need to deal with that. how do you respond to the attacks that you have been dealing with throughoutt the week that even people in the gop, members who are critical about the tea party. how are you responding to the charges the american people spoke loudd and clearr. they are tired of washington politics and out of the control spending. that s what the movement is about fiscal responsibility . they want to reign in outof control spending . the people spoke loud and clear. we are here to hold washington s feet to the fire. we cannot spend this way. it is not sustainable. i know you are taking a lot
i think it will resolve a military conflict and i said to my colleague that we will oust qaddafi by chris chriss and christmas. he needed to win early otherwise he would lose it and the rebels needed not to be defeated otherwise they would win it and house rez lusionns make no sense. the house said don t do mission. we have troops in the field. we need to back troops up and support our nato allies and british and french flyying support combat missions. you were in the united states nave yemention our men and women serving overseas and mention that two items voted in on the house and they appear to be conflicting in those votes. what kind of message do our folks not on the ground but involved in the mission need to hear from back home? i think they need to hear we are with you and no
- rez ressolusionn. it is muddled in the beltway, but it is clearr in ribia. we - libbia- libya. he has strongg opposition in the west and east and a growwing number of nations are providing support. we have seized 33 billion of the qaddafi s money. we should give that to the rebels. moment news of that hits libya, that will provide the victory. there are worries about the rebels. do you think that giving them that money is the best idea. in the end they will remember who their friends were. you can see in the street was bengazi. and the leaders know that the people see the nato air cover
substitute and victory and clearr mission of ousting the qaddafi dictatorship who was responsible for the murder of pan am 103 and the nato aliiance is strong and we support you. house rez lusionn that said we are denying the mission. but then we are not cutting off funding. it was a complete confused message that should not have been issued in the final acts of the conflict. i think the constitution was right. we have one commander-in-chief and should push on to victory here. speaking of the commander-in-chief there is criticism about the fact that he hasn t come formally to congress. the white house submitted support. but some thinks he should come and explain this more formally. the president should have asked for a reslusion.
that child missing. the fact that it is tossed in a field forot in bags is a clearr indication that the body was being hid yen put in a bag is a red flag for homicide, and never seen in an accidental death of a child . in fact that there duct tape attached to the child s face is for me indication of a homicide. you have an opinion as to the manner of death in this case? yes. what is that opinion. homicide and the fact that there is duct tape anywhere attached to the child s face is to me indication of a homicide. dr. michael bodan. i have never seen this in an accidental death of a child trying to hide the body of a child . manner of death was homicide