thank you. the common sense department is confused by the controversy surrounding try that in a small town. they read the lyrics and they seem crystal-clear. it is not welcome in small towns. if the singer is inferring anything in his video, it is that riots and lawlessness will not be tolerated. they say he is radicalizing his fans into white national vigilantes. they gleaned that from a line in a song that says got a gun my granddad gave me. common sense pulled up a few rap song lyrics, talking about clearing cops, rating women, assassinating presidents. they are actual lyrics.
rahm emanuel when this all started, first he said it was one rogue police officer. right. and then he said it s handled on our own. i don t need the department of justice, paraphrasing, to come in and investigate the chicago police department. and then by this week, he was saying by monday he was saying, oh no, that s great. we welcome this investigation. right. well, so, i spoke with, again, some sourtss around the mayor s office who pushed back on that by saying, well, when emanuel misspoke in their view, essentially saying the fbi is already investigating the laquan mcdonald case and don t need to start again with a fresh doj investigation of that case. he had said they didn t want to duplicate efforts or have people working on three different right. remember that you did have already three. ipra supposed to be independent authority to investigate police shootings and accused by whistle-blower of stacking the deck in favor of clearing cops. he just replaced the head of