Coronavirus response and other priorities for the agency. This senate, environment, and public works hearing is almost 2. 5 hours. Well, good morning. I call this hearing to order. I would like to welcome the administrator of the Environmental Protection agency, the honorable andrew wheeler, today. Todays hearing is the opportunity to hear about their epas good work and a chance for Committee Members to ask questions. The Environmental Protection agency is tasked with protecting the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the communities where our family live. During the covid19 pandemic, the agency has worked hard to provide the public with updated information on which disinfectants and cleaning products can be safely used to kill the virus. In addition, the epa has made Grant Funding available to the states and the tribes to help lowincome and minority communities address the coronavirus. Epa has provided thousands of pieces of personal protective equipment to aid emergency and Healt
There is a brief time lag between the live meeting and what is being viewed on sfgov tv. On behalf of the commission id like to extend our thanks to sfgov tv staff. If you wish to make Public Comment on an item, dial 8882733658, access code 3107452 and pound, followed by pound again. When Public Comment is called, dial 1 and then 0 to be added to the speaker line. You will be you will hear an automated voice that will tell you when it is your turn to speak and your twominute speaking time will begin. I will alert you when your time has expired. These instructions will be repeat. If they havent already done show, im going to ask the commission and staff to minimize microphones to minimize background noise. And id like to note that item number 9 has been removed from the agenda and will be rescheduled to a different meeting. Madame president , your first order of business is item three, approval a of the minutes of. May 12, 2020. Yes. Commissioners, before you have the minutes of may 12,
We have a quorum. Could you please read the announcement. Dont to you covid19 Health Emergency and given the Public Health regulars issued by the San Francisco department of Public Health, they have lifted restrictions. This meeting is held Via Teleconference and held by s sfg tv. Please be aware theres a brief lag time between what is being viewed on sfgtv. I would like to extend our thanks to the staff for the assistance of this meeting. If you wish to make Public Comment on an item dial 888 2733658, access code 3107452 and pound followed by pound again. Dial 10 to be added to the speaker line and you will hear an automated voice that when tell you when its your turn to speak and your twominute speaking time will begin. These instructions will be repeated. If they havent done so, ill ask the commission and staff to mute their microphones to minimize background noise. Your first order of business is approval of the minutes of may 26th, 2020. Commissioners, before you, you have the min
Present. Commissioner moran . Here. Commissioner maxwell . Present. Commissioner paulson . Present. We have a quorum. At this time i would like to make a brief announcement. Due to the covid19 Health Emergency and given the Public Health recommendations issued by the San Francisco department of Public Health and mayor brown have lifted the restrictions on teleconference. This meeting is being held virtually with all members and staff participating today via teleconference. This will ensure the safety of the commission, staff and members of the public. If you have not already done so, i am now going to ask all members of the commission and staff to mute themselves to minimize background noise. This meeting is being televised by sfu tv. For those of you watching live stream, please be aware that there is a 20 to 40second time lapse between the live meeting and what members of the public are viewing on sfu tv. We extend our thanks to sfu staff and sfu tv i. T. Staff for their assistance.
Emergency and given the Public Health recommendations issued by the San Francisco department of Public Health and mayor brown have lifted the restrictions on teleconference. This meeting is being held virtually with all members and staff participating today via teleconference. This will ensure the safety of the commission, staff and members of the public. If you have not already done so, i am now going to ask all members of the commission and staff to mute themselves to minimize background noise. This meeting is being televised by sfu tv. For those of you watching live stream, please be aware that there is a 20 to 40second time lapse between the live meeting and what members of the public are viewing on sfu tv. We extend our thanks to sfu staff and sfu tv i. T. Staff for their assistance. If you wish to make Public Comment on an item, please call the phone line when the item is called. Dial 8882733658, access code 3107452, and followed by pound and pound again to join the meeting as a