Example of the bureaucracy of the government. So many levels of management and no one does anything. President obama is requesting a nearly 4 billion of emergency funding from congress to address the influx of children coming across the u. S. Border. Heres more about that. The administration has requested 3. 7 billion of emergency funding from congress for stopping some of the influx of children dealing with the situation along the southern border with mexico. Laura is with the wall street journal and writing about the story, what is in the administration request to congress . A lot of the money is to house the children and families crossing the border. That is where the crisis has been. A huge influx created children traveling alone and adult traveling have come across the border. And in each of those cases there are sort of special needs for housing them and the administration is not able to handle right now and that is what a lot of the money would go to work. The white house propos
We remain to work in a bipartisan manner to achefer these objects. Thank you to both of you for your testimony. Mr. Hochstein, you talked about the things that ukraine needs to do in order to reform its energy markets. This is the most energy inefficient country in the entire region and ill direct the question to you but happy to have mr. Yee respond as well. The reforms they need to need take are dramatic and the effective of those reforms done too precipitously is perhaps too destabilizing in a country that doesnt need much more instability. The vector between what gas prices are today and what they would be without the subsidy is enormous. The amount of money they have to spend on reengineering this wildly inefficient soviet Energy Architecture is essentially almost a rip down and build back up proposition. So, how do we ask ukraine to do this without requiring them to spend money they dont have, and impose price increases on citizens who are right now looking for reasons to be conf
And principles. So, we have that frank dialogue. We are able to do that with a very strong embassy team there. I think we need to continue to do that. It helps when members of congress visit the capitals to reinforce the message that we take corruption very seriously, not only as a matter of economics, or of moral principle, but as a matter of National Security. And until an ambassador is appointed, has the administration considered reappointing or asking mr. Butcher to stay on . Hell complete the tenure this summer. Theres another sar shay affair and take over by the end of the summer. Okay. Im sure senator murphy agrees with me we dont want to see a void there in romania. It is important we dont do that. Mr. Hochstein, you were talking about developing shale gas in europe. Do you have or does the u. S. Have any estimates or europe in terms of the oil and gas potential is if they were willing to exploit it . Yes, senator. We work with country that is are interested. And as chairman mu
The speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 415, the nays are 6. 2 3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the Senate Amendments are agreed to, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what rpose purpose does the gentleman from oklahoma seek recognition . Madam speaker, i send to the desk a privileged report from the committee on rules for filing under the rule. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title. The clerk report to accompany House Resolution 661, resolution providing for consideration of the bill h. R. 6016, making appropriations for Financial Services and general government for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2015, and for other purposes. And providing for consideration of the bill h. R. 4718, to amend Internal Revenue code of 198206 modify and make permanent depreciation. The speaker pro tempore referred to the house calendar and ordered printed. Pursuant to House Resolution 641, and rule 18, the chair de
Law really hasnt kept pace with technology and the way people are using it. If youre a large Multinational Corporation today, and youre providing your own email service. And you have an onpremise email or Cloud Storage service, the government goes to you to get the information. And they serve an order, a subpoena or sometime, a search warrant, on the company itself. It goes to their general counsels office, and they figure out how to respond to it. And theres certain information that they possess that is afforded protections under the law. There is a great fear out there, not just about government obtaining their information, but doing it without their knowledge. And i think, you know, when youre talking about a company considering moving to the cloud, there are a lot of them that are concerned that theyre going to serve Legal Process on microsoft or google or somebody else and get that information without them knowing because of a nondisclosure order. Our position is basically, you we