Press Release – Jobs for Nature A new pest control project is underway to bring native forest back to life and create a safe kw corridor between Honeymoon Valley, Mangamuka and tangaroa as part of the covid-response funded by Jobs 4 Nature. The funding comes via Kiwis for Kw …
A new pest control project is underway to bring native forest back to life and create a safe kīwī corridor between Honeymoon Valley, Mangamuka and Ōtangaroa as part of the covid-response funded by Jobs 4 Nature.
The funding comes via Kiwis for Kīwī and will allow the work begun by Honeymoon Valley Landcare group and at Ōtangaroa to extend and join with a new hapū based pest control project along the Maungataniwha Range, near Mangamuka – all up employing 20 part time kaimahi/pest controllers.