Smiths wife, shana witt, was convicted in august of suffocating the boy with a stuffed animal. When she returned to her bedroom to tell smith what she had done, the two had sex and smith later fixed lunch. During that time smith says he never checked on his son. Smith i thought she was lying to me that morning. Randy krantz you didnt believe her . Smith no. When smith finally realized his son was dead, he still didnt call for help. Instead he says his wife insisted he clean up her meth lab. He then called 911 and told dispatchers that his son had just stopped breathing when in fact the child had been dead for hours. After being arrested prosecutors say smith fully cooperated in building a case against his wife, who received 52 years in prison for murdering her son. While smith wasnt involved in the murder, he received a fouryear sentence tuesday on drug and child abuse charges. Randy krantz we did feel very strongly that mr. Smith should be held accountable for his level of wrongdoing.
UPDATE 7:10 P.M. DUBLIN, Va. (WFXR)– Appalachian Power reports power in Dublin has been restored. – DUBLIN, Va. (WFXR)– Appalachian Power is reporting a widespread power outage near the Claytor Lake State Park area of Dublin. According to AEP, 1,027 customers are currently without power. Crews are currently assessing the cause of the outage and […]
The American Society of Civil Engineers hosts a competition every year for civil engineering students, and this year, Virginia Tech got to host at Claytor Lake State Park.
From Mirror staff reports A Hollidaysburg woman was found dead inside a vehicle submerged in a Virginia lake recently. Jean Cecilia Lester, 79, was found Sa