The Agronomy Club at Western Illinois University recently hosted the Section 11 Agronomy Contest, creating an enriching and competitive environment for students. The event brought together dedicated members of the Agronomy Club under the guidance of faculty advisor Joel Gruver.
Three students from the Western Illinois University School of Agriculture (Ag) recently participated in the 2023 National Weed Science Contest (NWSC) hosted by Bayer Crop Science in Union City, TN.
The National Professional Agricultural Student (PAS) Organization Conference, "Sowing Fields of Dreams: Harvesting New Opportunities," was held over spring break week in Des Moines, IA, with several Western Illinois University School students brining home honors.
Western Illinois University Professional Agriculture Students (PAS) competed in the group s spring competition Feb. 9 at Lincoln Land Community College in Springfield, IL, with several students becoming national PAS qualifiers.