TOP STORY OF THE DAY, brought to you free by WICU: Protocols assist schools with Monday situations
Monday, March 1, 2021
By IVY JACOBS, Times Reporter
Northview High School, as well as North Clay Middle School, received a recent bomb threat that was deemed as not being credible.
Ivy Jacobs photo
Clay Community Schools received two bomb threats Monday, but neither was deemed credible.
Clay Community Schools Safety Plans have protocols in place to deal with such threats, and these were implemented by school personnel, Superintendent Jeff Fritz said Monday, who greatly appreciated the swift actions of and assistance by the Clay County Sheriffs Department. Anyone having any information about the source of these threats is asked to contact law enforcement immediately.
Times Staff Report
IVY JACOBS PHOTO - A winter storm front arrived overnight in Clay County on Monday. The National Weather Service in Indianapolis forecasts more foul weather overnight.
EDITORS NOTE: Please send any additional closing information to (either new closings or information on ones listed being ended).
Here are closings reported to the Brazil Times:
Clay Community Schools will again have an eLearning day on Friday, February 19.
Indiana Department of Homeland Security - Travel Advisory Map 0216-21
Northview s boys basketball team will not host Bloomington North tonight, and had its game at Vincennes Lincoln scheduled for Saturday canceled because the Alices needed to play a conference game. The Knights are still looking for a Saturday night opponent.
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
By IVY JACOBS, Times Reporter
School Board member Kevin Kumpf (left) received a plaque from Board President Tom Reberger in appreciation for his service to the board, the school corporation and the community during the December meeting.
Ivy Jacobs photo
As 2021 approaches, School Board President Tom Reberger presented a plaque to outgoing board member Kevin Kumpf for his service as a member of the Clay Community School Board of Trustees, but it was for much more.
Ive enjoyed and appreciated the opportunity to serve on the school board for CCS and to serve the people of Clay County, said Kumpf, who congratulated the newest employees of the corporation by saying, Youre going to love it ( working for the schools). Ive always said we have more than our fair share of good people working at CCSC. Good luck, and thank you.