ofjoint. it long-term, set puts a few noses out of “oint. ., , x ofjoint. it wouldn t be quick enou:h ofjoint. it wouldn t be quick enough for ofjoint. it wouldn t be quick enough for them ofjoint. it wouldn t be quick enough for them to - ofjoint. it wouldn t be quick enough for them to get - ofjoint. it wouldn t be quick enough for them to get into | ofjoint. it wouldn t be quick - enough for them to get into the champions league this season, would it? ., , , , champions league this season, would it? ., ., it? no, because they cannot overspend. it? no, because they cannot overspend, because - it? no, because they cannot overspend, because of- it? no, because they cannot. overspend, because of financial it? no, because they cannot - overspend, because of financial fair play rules, so it will be a gradual process. but it has ruffled some feathers. liverpool kick off the weekend with a lunchtime kick off against watford, with claudio ranieiri in charge for his first game ther