considering the importance of workplace action.
IBA Immediate Past President Horacio Bernardes Neto, who championed the
Us Too? campaign throughout his two-year (2019–2020) presidency, commented:
‘The IBA is committed to ensuring that the legal profession is a safe, supportive and respectful environment for every member of it. The development of this training is another demonstration of that commitment. We must maintain momentum, and we hope legal workplaces across the globe deploy the training for their staff and that they find it practical and edifying.’
Kieran Pender, the former
Us Too? campaign and co-developed the training, said:
‘Effectively addressing the prevalence and impact of inappropriate behaviour in law requires a multifaceted strategy akin to a many-piece puzzle. Training is one really important piece of that puzzle. The Us Too? report emphasised that “the profession should make a concerted effort to improve the frequency and quality of training t
May 10 2021
The training modules, developed in collaboration between The College of Law Australia and The International Bar Association, especially target issues identified in the legal profession.
SYDNEY, May 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ The International Bar Association, The College of Law Australia and The Legal Policy & Research Unit have collaborated to develop a set of e-learning modules designed to assist individuals and organisations make the changes recommended by the 2019 landmark report
Us Too? Bullying and Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession.
Since the #MeToo movement brought sexual harassment into the international spotlight in 2017, it has become clear that bullying and sexual harassment are endemic to many workforces worldwide. The legal profession is certainly not immune from these issues.
The training modules, developed in collaboration between The College of Law in Australia and The International Bar Association, especially target issues identified in the legal profession.
SYDNEY, May 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ The International Bar Association, The College of Law in Australia and The Legal Policy & Research Unit have collaborated to develop a set of e-learning modules designed to assist individuals and organisations make the changes recommended by the 2019 landmark report
Us Too? Bullying and Sexual Harassment in the Legal Profession.
Since the MeToo movement brought sexual harassment into the international spotlight in 2017, it has become clear that bullying and sexual harassment are endemic to many workforces worldwide. The legal profession is certainly not immune from these issues.