one student at a connecticut high school makes a shocking discovery while doing research for a classroom debate on gun control. when trying to access the nra web site and other right leaning web sites on his school computer after that, he noticed they were all blocked. but the pages belong to go left leaning groups like planned parenthood and newtown action alliance were not. senior andrew lampart who is graduating this weekend, says he reached out to school aofficials to alert them to the situation, but nothing has been done since and he joins us now. good morning to you. thank you. you were working on a gun control debate and you discovered the nra web site was blocked and you started to fish around? yes. i first decided to look at the nra and similar sites to find facts supporting pardon me, opposing gun control.
when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america. administrators at a connecticut high school could be in some hot water over a politically one-sided firewall op school computers. a student researching gun control for a classroom debate discovered the nra s website was blocked. but pro-gun control sites were available. he kept digging, and found the
to some extent, it s because it helps the agenda of certain groups, uncertain individuals. tucker: you keep hearing we have an honest conversation about race, but i wonder after all these conversations if the country is becoming morere divi divided. maybe the evidence isn t workin working. i disagree that we are having conversations, we always hear that we have a conversation but what t a we get his harangues ad they usually come from one side and most decent people duck their heads and watch out for incoming fire. you know if you go to colleges, law schools almost any institution of higher learning, their only of certain acceptable opinions to have. they know precisely how to react in the context of a classroom