incredibly conservative. it s been described by many as being cult like where the women are urged to adhere to strict gender roles which include submitting to your husband and submitting to men. so people when we talk about this discussion and the possibility of her becoming the next justice to the supreme court or any of the president s other possible nominees, we have to remember that abortion rights are not the only thing that is at stake. voting rights. whether or not evolution and science can be taught in the classro classroom, whether or not classrooms will remain integrated or segregated, gay marriage. you talk about it. it s going to be so incredibly important for people and for democrats in particular to step up their game. i personally believe that they ve got two routes to go, one, focus on the moderate republicans in the senate, lisa murkowski as well as senator collins from maine but also i
doing so far, i see a different manny pacquiao. his intensity has put him ahead of schedule. which is why today freddie roach has initiated a role reversal. i really enjoyed it. i have things to do. to take time to accomplish that. the objectives on the agenda is the province s first ever medical center. still, simpler goals like a set of walls it put around this classro classroom, also offer substantial doses of promise for the future. in their corner, is one of the most successful athletes in the world. in the middle of a gym in hollywood, california, he works to master focus without letting the people stray far from mind. my name is robin. i m a wife, i m a mom. and chantix worked for me. it s a medication i could take and still smoke, while it built up in my system. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depresse
today s children excel in the classro classroom. again tomorrow afternoon noon eastern on msnbc sunday. some of hollywood s biggest action stars back at the box office this weekend. but does the expendables have what it takes to take the top spot? i don t want to die all alone in the holes in the mud. i want to die with a woman. i want to die with someone, i don t know, who cares about me, you know? i want to die for a woman, i want to die laying next to a woman. that s what i want. something special. i hear that. let s get the details now from dawn. good morning. good morning. how is it doing at the box office so far? it s kicking butt and taking names. it ll take the top spot with an estimated $34 million this weekend. and most of that money, 99.9% of it is from guys. this is unabashedly guy movie. we are talking about it stars pretty much every iconic action hero from the 80s and 90s.