The god father was made in a very classical, almost shakespearean style. It was going to be about succession. Like a king who had three sons, and none of the sons had all his talents. [ speaking nonenglish ] michael could be ruthless when he had to be ruthless, but he could be friendly. Nord, he was a complex hero. In other words, he was a complex hero. Were here in the napa valley on a rainy day, to interview Francis Ford Coppola. Now, hes one of the greatest Movie Directors of alltime, without any question. If you google the best movies of all time, the greatest movies of all time, the godfather is number un, number one, usually. But The Godfather 2 is often on that list of top ten and so is Apocalypse Now. So of the 10, 15 greatest movies of alltime, this man has made three of them. I am really interested in talking to him for another reason. When i came to america first, i was in college and i took a class, classics of american cinema. It was in some ways helpful for me, because it
the god father was made in a very classical, almost shakespearean style. it was going to be about succession. like a king who had three sons, and none of the sons had all his talents. [ speaking non-english ] michael could be ruthless when he had to be ruthless, but he could be friendly. nord, he was a complex hero. in other words, he was a complex hero. we re here in the napa valley on a rainy day, to interview francis ford coppola. now, he s one of the greatest movie directors of all-time, without any question. if you google the best movies of all time, the greatest movies of all time, the godfather is number un, number one, usually. but the godfather 2 is often on that list of top ten and so is apocalypse now. so of the 10, 15 greatest movies of all-time, this man has made three of them. i am really interested in talking to him for another reason. when i came to america first, i was in college and i took a class, classics of american cinema. it was in so
he had to be ruthless, but he could be friendly. in other words, he was a complex hero. we re here in the nappa vally on a rainy day to interview francis ford coppola. now, he s one of greatest movie directors of all-time without any question. if you google the best movies of all-time, the greatest movies of all-time, the godfather is number one usually. i m going to make him an offer he can t refuse. but the godfather 2 is often on that list of top ten, and so is apocalypse now. so of the 10, 15 greatest movies of all-time this man has made three of them. i m really interested in talking to him for another reason. when i came to america first i was in college and i took a class, classics of american cinema. it was in some ways helpful for me because it gave me a sense of the culture and the country that i was now living in. and i wrote my final paper on the godfather, actually on the opening four or five minutes of the godfather, the first scene, and i had
reason. when i came to america first, i was in college and i took a class, classics of american cinema. it was in some ways helpful for me, because it gave me a sense of the culture and a country that i was now living in. and i wrote my final paper on the godfather. actually, on the opening four or five minutes of the movie, the first scene. i had a thesis about what it all meant. now i get to ask the man who made the movie whether i was right. when i first read the godf godfather, i was shocked. the author knew very little about italian culture. anyone knows that don corleon is
of all-time this man has made three of them. i m really interested in talking to him for another reason. when i came to america first i was in college and i took a class, classics of american cinema. it was in some ways helpful for me because it gave me a sense of the culture and the country that i was now living in. and i wrote my final paper on the godfather, actually on the opening four or five minutes of the godfather, the first scene, and i had a thesis about what it all meant. so now i get to ask the man who made the movie whether i was right. when i first read the godfather, the novel by mario puzo, i was shocked as i went into the book to realize number one mario was some guy in bayshore, this italian-american who didn t speak italian, knew