Join the Metropolitan Youth Symphony (MYS) and All Classical Portland’s International Children’s Arts Network (ICAN) on January 8, 2023, at 4:00 PM PT at the Newmark Theatre for The Magic of Eric Carle. This special in-person event will bring five of Eric Carle’s most beloved stories – The Very Hungry Caterpillar, I See A Song,.
Oregon ArtsWatch Highlights ICAN & RII
Posted on May 25, 2021
In the article “Radio Rejuvenation,” Brett Campbell highlights All Classical Portland’s programs and initiatives that strive to bring classical music to a wider, more diverse audience.
“I think All Classical Portland has seized the opportunity to influence the future,” shared All Classical Portland’s President & CEO Suzanne Nance. “We want to make sure children feel like they have a home in classical music, a place in the concert hall. All our initiatives are aimed at amplifying young voices and encouraging them to tell stories of their communities.”
All Classical Portland’s newest initiative seeks to address the gap of classical music composers and musicians from underrepresented communities that make it into the concert hall and onto the airwaves: “The Recording Inclusivity Initiative will elevate and amplify underrepresented composers and their music through the new recordings we p