Our schools are a mess, and parents are becoming increasingly fed up, willing to challenge teachers and school boards. The question remains, challenge them to do what? A new book offers some answers.
In school districts throughout America, parents are demanding that teachers stop instructing children about gender fluidity and Critical Race Theory. They also want pornographic materials removed from school libraries.The authors of the new book, Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation, say socialist beliefs like these weren't introduced overnight – they started creeping into U.S. public school more than one hundred years ago.
an expert on classical christian, he s amazing. looking at the new republican what john and other atheist progressive socialist were talking about who openly talked about how important education was toward their goals and had to remove god and freethinking aspect they believe it s the same condescending view today, average people don t need to think about philosophy or politics or economics, give them that and make them go away. they become easier to control, the liberal arts idea was a liberated mind, you know this and that s what they wanted to get rid of. well for the american mind amazon.com, any major bookstore, it really is a book about education for our time as far as i am concerned. we ll be right back.
an expert on classical christian, he s amazing. looking at the new republican what john and other atheist progressive socialist were talking about who openly talked about how important education was toward their goals and had to remove god and freethinking aspect they believe it s the same condescending view today, average people don t need to think about philosophy or politics or economics, give them that and make them go away. they become easier to control, the liberal arts idea was a liberated mind, you know this and that s what they wanted to get rid of. well for the american mind amazon.com, any major bookstore, amazon.com, any major bookstore, it really is a book about if you have type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure you re a target for chronic kidney disease. you can already have it and not know it. if you have chronic kidney disease