yog u know, i was suspended foru quoting relmsp waldo emerson. do you imagine that s not crazy? t these people are. and onhat s e, the things that on twitter 1% that has become kind of a meme, classic liberale and you ll find a fascist every time. yes. became arbecame i tell you, he and now i can say it becaus they are no my enemy.now i they ve they declared thisca not me, but when they go around calling everybody all this not a fascist hitler fascist are scratcher liberal and you will find a fascis t every time, every time. well, i m i realize you don t ar do television interviews, but you are always welcome oneys the show because welco that s of the most amazing conversations coe i m i m reallyonversations grateful that we reached you r tonight. i am. i m kind of your pardon of metaphor shooting from the hip because i like you. i walked in the door and my