Middle School Career Day @CLEAquarium Explore what an aquarium career entails! Try hands-on activities to discover what you like and don’t like about daily aquarium tasks. Meet aquarists, SCUBA divers, education and guest experience team members. Come with an open mind for this half-day adventure and leave with an abundance of information, and hopefully, career inspiration.
Shark Superstars Homeschool Class (Grades K-3) @CLEAquarium Why do sharks have sharp teeth? How do the hunt for prey? Are they as scary as they seem? Learn about their unique features and behaviors, make a shark craft and discover what makes sharks superstars of the ocean.
Resin Sip & Pour Workshop Join us on Tuesday, January 30th @ 6pm. During this class, we will work with a pre-finished circular wood serving board (as pictured), breaking down the basics of working with resin, selecting colors, and creating a unique piece.
Crystals, Candles, & Tarot Helen, our resident intuitive with a lifelong focus on light/white energy, is returning! By utilizing her advanced intuition and Lenormand cards, she will offer each guest a personal reading, providing insight into what the future may hold. The event will also feature candle-making and a crystal education session. Readings will be assigned based on arrival time, with each session lasting approximately 10 minutes. Choose from two different time slots when you check out by selecting your preferred arrival time.