Daily News staff report The Palatka Daily News won big over the weekend as four of its journalists took home 13 awards during a banquet in Clearwater Beach.
Daily News staff report The Palatka Daily News won big over the weekend as four of its journalists took home 13 awards during a banquet in Clearwater Beach.
The Classic radiogram is reborn with Ruark’s new R810 music streamer This new audio device can handle almost any audio source and can even connect with a TV.
The Grayville City Council will meet Monday, May 8th at 7 PM at City Hall with a full slate of issues to tackle. After the Consent Agenda and the Treasurer's Report, they'll run down the Municipal Election results and have the swearing-in of the Mayor and Council. Then will be the organization of council and committee appointments; plus appointments of the City Clerk, City Treasurer/Purchasing Officer, and Police Chief; as well as appointment of the Library Board and acceptance of board officers. Purchase orders will be approved; there will be a recognition of visitors; and there will be reports from the Engineer, Police Chief/Utility Manager, City Attorney, Commissioners, and the Mayor. An Executive Session will then be held to appoint/hire a Sewer Department operator and summer workers. In Old Business is the water filtration plant, a request to vacate an alley in Martin's Addition for Stacey Solsberry, the swimming pool, sale of excess equipment by sealed bid, a requ