Nevada Sen. Harry Reid spoke on the Senate floor today regarding the importance of anti-gun violence legislation. Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: Life can change in a moment. At 8:56 on September 6, 2011, a deeply disturbed man with an automatic weapon stepped out of his car outside a Carson City, Nevada restaurant.
On Friday morning, a memorial was held for the victims of the Carson City IHOP shooting, which included three Nevada National Guard members and one civilian. The shooting occurred ten years ago Monday, on Sept. 6, 2011, and has been remembered each year by the community.
On Sept. 6, 2011, Nevada Guardsmen Lt. Col. Heath Kelly, 35, Master Sgt. Christian Riege, 38, Sgt. 1st Class Miranda McElhiney, 31, and Florence Donovan-Gunderson, 67, lost their lives in a senseless crime, when a man entered the Carson City IHOP and opened fire.
On Friday morning, a memorial was held for the victims of the Carson City IHOP shooting, which included three Nevada National Guard members and one civilian. The shooting occurred ten years ago Monday, on Sept. 6, 2011, and has been remembered each year by the community.
The first firefighter/paramedic on the scene, Bob Schreihans will never forget what he saw, heard even smelled when he responded to the Sept. 6, 2011, shooting at the Carson City IHOP, where five people were killed and seven injured. “Some of those things will stick with me forever,” he said.