be the ones breaking the law. it s months of protests in the media clan in the video was the order list of peach and chocolate complaining. the washington post painted it against the class gender, and an organizer said that she was within the women s section. what you know is exactly where she should be. and left leg will rags states because it to a trance focus close. so probably did happen, even if it did the guy making his private parts public he was a real victim. except it turns out that the person that they defended, is a serious sex offender named darren aaron gray, who is also facing charges over several interested in 2018 when his emma was identifying as a female person, gender women s locker room, then exposing himself. at first, he said he d fight the case in court, but then he went on the run for 15 months before they busted in. he would make out sooner, if he ran a good girl.
contest scheming films does just what you d expect from cannes film festival. tough to see it as well as posing they were protesting. demonstrating strength. while facts male colleagues faced the class gender is. your robots in sixty minutes. we make up oh but we watch as folks that found out that if we are the civil service or. the want to shape the continent s future to. be part of it enjoy number two number stores testing share their stories their dreams and their challengers to seventy seven percent of. platforms for service charge.
different. finding those commonalities of humanity and them looking at the differences in our fiction form or nonfiction form. going from coast to coast by train train, i can imagine the back story of everyone i meet. when we met in the common spaces, whether it s the dining car or observation cars or cafe cars we have these social interactions. on all these different levels including race class gender, there s a dialogue about society that can occur in a profound level just in these casual conversations you have on a train. i had one particularly interesting conversation with a woman who was talking with ferguson. and over the course of the conversation there were many different times where she used frays that were provi phrases that were provocative to me.