We can never repay them for their ultimate sacrifice, but we should make it a point to salute them for their valiant service to our country.
Commander Kevin Long told audience members during Memorial.
A special program was held in front of Zion United Church of Christ, Lehighton, to bring to a close the 150th Anniversary celebrations of both Zion UCC and Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.
The Rev.
Two Lehighton churches will conduct joint proclamations, and then a “Faith Walk” in honor of their sesquicentennial celebrations.
Trinity Lutheran Church, along with Zion United Church of Christ, will.
A Lehighton borough committee will discuss options for future plans for its police station.
Mayor Clark Ritter brought the matter back to the table for Council discussion this month.
Borough Manager S.
A request by the head of Lehighton for the police department to take back a police bay turned into a heated debate at Monday’s borough council meeting.
Borough Mayor Clark Ritter asked borough council.