Essay contest honors Deputy Dave Blann
By Katy Yoder Tuesday, January 19, 2021 10:46 AM Jefferson County Sheriffâs Office Corporal Jason Pollock and Patrol Deputy Clark Linden visited Black Butte School, which is launching an essay contest on law enforcement to memorialize the late Camp Sherman Resident Deputy Dave Blann.
photo provided Deputy Clark Linden and Corporal Jason Pollock met with Bethanne Kronick Blann at Black Butte School, where school children will honor Dave Blann through an essay contest.
photo by Katy Yoder • • Black Butte School students in Camp Sherman were finally back in the classroom with teachers and classmates on January 11. Their teacher, Delaney Sharp told them they were having a special visit from Bethanne Kronick Blann, who told them about the “Deputy Dave” Memorial Essay Contest. Accompanying Bethanne were Jefferson County Sherif