iran nuclear deal russia china britain and germany agree with france that the landmark agreement is the best way to stop iran from developing a nuclear bomb but trump is called it the worst deal ever made on his trip to d.c. mccrone called on the u.s. president not to ditch the deal without getting a better alternative in place first yet at the end of his three day trip he hadn t secured any promises from trump and it s not yet clear how much success he s had in buttering him up ahead of americans visit the german chancellor is coming to washington d.c. on friday when she ll be trying her hand at saving the iran deal. claridge isn t there why here in germany a court is due to rule today on whether a medical test to determine the age of young migrants is a hotly debated topic because of concerns that older migrants pretend to be minors to avoid deportation are currently in migrants ages established in a personal interview but the court ruling could replace that with medical tests.