From the Clarendon County Republican Party:
The time has come for precinct reorganization. The procedure is simple. The meeting will be held March 8, 2021 at the Cornerstone Fellowship Free Will Baptist Church, 2116 Greeleyville Highway (US Highway 521 & State Highway 261 one mile east of Manning), Manning, SC 29102 from 5:00pm til 7:00pm.
You can stop by any time during those two hours and sign the forms to register in your precinct. The name of your precinct is listed on your voter registration card. In order to attend the Clarendon County Republican Party Convention in April, you must first register in your precinct. At the county convention officers are elected and delegates/alternates to the state convention in May are elected. If you are unable to stop by on March 8, there will be a make-up meeting on March 15, 2021 at the same time and place. Membership dues are due now for 2021.