A GP surgery started vaccinating care home residents in Rhyl last week. Residents at Barchester’s Bradshaw Manor Care Home, on Chester Street, receive their first vaccination from the team at Clarence Medical Centre. Heidi Crompton, general manager, said the vaccine has lifted the spirits of their workers and residents after a difficult year. She added: “We’ve had a year like no other and the vaccine feels like the light at the end of the tunnel. Our teams have been magnificent in how they have risen to every challenge during this pandemic and we are proud to play our part in this next phase to ensure the most vulnerable are protected.”
A look back at the top stories continues: A FIRST-TIME mum who was told her baby would not survive her pregnancy gave birth to her ‘little miracle’ - 16 weeks after her waters broke (October 14, ‘Baby Mia is little miracle’). Nadia Wainwright, from St Asaph, suffered from pre-term premature rupture of the membranes which broke her waters at 20 weeks. The 23-year-old sought support from the Little Heartbeats charity during “very dark days,” deciding: “As long as there is a heartbeat I’m fighting for my little girl.” Nadia’s membrane resealed but continued to leak. She contracted E. coli, strep A and had early-onset sepsis at 32 weeks when doctors decided to carry out an emergency C-section, which was successful.