Author of the article: Beth Wilkins
Publishing date: Jan 11, 2021 • January 11, 2021 • 6 minute read • • 80.1140.002 – It certainly seems to be a D.A. Thomas July 1 excursion on the Peace River, as evidenced by all the people on her decks. The white-attired person in the doorway – possibly a cook, is probably taking a breather before his cuisine-producing skills are required. Photo by SUPPLIED
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The most recent Ponderings ended with a reference to fires being a usual occurrence in the early years of the community. They were a “terrible hazard in those days of tarpaper shacks as they were explosively inflammable. There was no water supply except the rivers, and often there was no way of getting the water to the burning building except by bucket brigade. In sub-zero weather, which was the time most fires occurred from overheated stoves, the ice on the rivers had to be chipped first in order to obtain water.”