Call for council to allow more families build homes in rural areas in Kildare
More support needed
The issue of a lack of housing supply in rural areas has been raised at the May meeting of the Clane Maynooth Municipal District.
At the meeting, Cllr. Brendan Wyse received figures for the number of houses procured by Kildare County Council in the last three years in the villages of Allenwood, Coill Dubh, Derrinturn and Robertstown.
He said that when compared to the known units built on the ground, the figures show that the council has bought or leased over 90% of the housing supply available to private buyers living in the areas.
Kildare County Council questioned over Drehid haul route repairs
Kildare County Council engineers are planning to examine all major sub-standard junctions, on a countywide basis, and make a submission to the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport (DTTAS) for money to improve them, a District committee has been told.
Cllr Daragh Fitzpatrick asked about upgrade plans in the Clane-Maynooth District (MD) after the recent refusal of An Bord Pleanála to grant an extension to the Drehid Landfill facility.
Specifically, he wanted to know about plans to upgrade or put traffic calming measures on the haul routes to the facility within the MD.
Speed worries at popular Kildare walking route
Council to examine need for speed ramps on road between Carton Avenue and Carton Demesne
Kildare County Council is to look at the possibility of introducing speed calming measures near a popular walking route in Maynooth.
At the council’s Clane-Maynooth Municipal meeting on December 4, Cllr Naoise O’Cearuil asked that the council introduce speed calming measures at the crossing from Carton Avenue into Carton Demesne on the Dunboyne Road - perhaps pedestrian crossing or ramps.
He said the car speeding on the R157 at the crossing was “lethal.”
In a report to members the Municipal District Office said it will undertake a traffic survey at this location to ascertain if there is a speeding issue. “If an issue is detected, proposals will be developed in line with Kildare County Council’s Traffic Calming Policy and implemented subject to available funding.” The council did say however that the