The Art & Words Festival, organized by the Sunshine Coast Writers and Editors Society, this year grew to include a race for book awards that drew involvement from publishers across the country.
The thing about short stories is that there is nowhere to hide. A short story has to work hard, saying a lot by saying very little. Whether she is writing about or from the perspective of a little girl, a spurned lover, an ageing madam, or, astonishingly, a toroa (albatross), Beautrais nails an authentic voice each time. With a spiky confidence and knowing, mordant humour, Beautrais writes with a crushing and witty eye on humanity at its most troubled and askew.
We all agreed it’s a tightly wound and remarkably assured collection that sustains a vice-like grip from start to finish. These atmospheric short stories evoke a strong sense of quiet unease, a dark underbelly, slow burning rage as well as the absurdly comic. Scrutinising the female experience from a dazzling multitude of angles and voices, each story crackles with raw power and a bracing energy. Bug Week is a beautifully observed and fierce punch in the guts.