We published hundreds of essays and commentaries in 2022. Here are the pieces that attracted the most readers, and took up the most space in our hearts and brains.
University of Nevada, Reno, Libraries.
When local author Julia Claiborne Johnson wanted to start her second novel, she decided she needed an impetus. “What am I going to do to get myself in the mood to write?” she wondered, deciding that “I’m not gonna cut my hair till I’m done!” When she put pen to paper she sported a short bob; when she finished writing three years later, she could practically sit on her mane.
The resulting book, “Better Luck Next Time,” is a fictional account of the real Reno divorce camps which flourished in the 1930s and ‘40s. Women of means from across the country would vacation on a western-style ranch while establishing the six-week residency required to obtain a quickie divorce.