leaseholders are being landed with bills for work that they cannot afford bills for work that they cannot afford to bills for work that they cannot afford to pay and they should not have afford to pay and they should not have to afford to pay and they should not have to pay. that is what needs fixing have to pay. that is what needs fixina. ~ . ., fixing. meanwhile the government insists that good fixing. meanwhile the government insists that good progress - fixing. meanwhile the government insists that good progress has - fixing. meanwhile the governmentl insists that good progress has been made towards removing the grenfell tower style acm cladding. qe’s made towards removing the grenfell tower style acm cladding. tower style acm cladding. 9596 of buildin . s tower style acm cladding. 9596 of buildings have tower style acm cladding. 9596 of buildings have had tower style acm cladding. 9596 of buildings have had the tower style acm cladding. 9596 of buildings have