In an interview with ANI, CJI Chandrachud disclosed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi played a role in facilitating his access to AYUSH treatment when he contracted Covid-19. He mentioned, "The Prime Minister called me when I was down with Covid and arranged for a consultation with an AYUSH vaidya. I took the medicine and did not require allopathic treatment in subsequent Covid infections."
Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud said today that he was "deeply saddened" by the death of noted jurist Fali Nariman. The 95-year-old legal doyen who was suffering from multiple ailments, including cardiac issues, died in Delhi today.
India News: Legal luminaries led by CJI D Y Chandrachud paid tribute to eminent jurist Fali S Nariman for his immense contribution to the judicial system. Former
The Supreme Court will examine the ballot papers that were marked by RO in Chandigarh Mayor Election and the video footage. - Deeply Concerned About Horse-trading; RO Has To Be Prosecuted : Supreme Court On Chandigarh Mayor Elections