Since 2014, militant groups from Russia, Belarus, Chechnya, and elsewhere have established themselves as allies of Ukraine in its fight against Russia and its aligned forces. Though alignment with these groups presents clear benefits in the near term, Kyiv should be cautious since these groups could turn on Ukraine at any time should their interests no longer align.
<p>An adaptation of the RAND-developed military will-to-fight model highlights potential opportunities to use cognitive maneuver to counter Russian-hired private military actors operational effectiveness around the globe.</p>
Russian oligarch turned warlord Yevgeny Prigozhin is in exile in Belarus, but what will become of the tens of thousands of fighters who signed up to risk their lives for a paycheck or a ticket out of jail? It seems likely they will continue fighting, mostly because they have few better options.
Moscow s desire for additional fighters in Ukraine has created a breeding ground for Russian private military company (PMC) development. This explosion of what are essentially private armies is not only shaping the battlefield in Ukraine; it could have devastating impacts long after this conflict ends.
<p>The authors examine compensation differences for gender, racial, and ethnic groups in the Department of Defense civilian science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workforce and explore ways to address these differences.</p>