TAP has informed customers that it will allow the change of the dates of flights scheduled for December 8 and 9, without any penalty, as they coincide with.
Hundreds of TAP workers, including
pilots, cabin crews and maintenance technicians, are taking part in a silent
march to the Ministry of Infrastructure in.
Ryanair under fire regarding redundancies By TPN/Lusa, in News · 23-12-2020 01:00:00 · 2 Comments
The National Union of Civil Aviation Flight Personnel (SNPVAC) has accused Ryanair of starting a new collective redundancy process, now at the Lisbon base, after having done so in Porto.
“Ryanair has decided, inanely and without any management criteria, to start a new collective redundancy process, now at the Lisbon Base, involving six crew members, who curiously refused to sign, despite pressure from Ryanair, an addendum, that as the union warned at the time, is illegal,” the SNPVAC said in a statement.
The union also points out that it became aware that Ryanair resumed, on 1 December this year, the process of the collective dismissal of cabin crew at the base of Porto, which affected 23 people. In the stateme