of young peopie and policies with the implementation of young people and and policies with the implementation of young people and ministries - and policies with the implementation of young people and ministries of. of young people and ministries of education. of young people and ministries of education, educators of young people and ministries of education, educators who - of young people and ministries of education, educators who need . of young people and ministries of| education, educators who need to have education, educators who need to have concrete education, educators who need to have concrete solutions education, educators who need to have concrete solutions and - have concrete solutions and accountability. have concrete solutions and accountability. we - have concrete solutions and accountability. we must i have concrete solutions andj accountability. we must put have concrete solutions and - accountability. we must put gender equality accountability. we must
why i have been very strongly pushing the summit that we need leaders to put in policies to close the gender gaps, so reforming parental leave to encourage working fathers to take absence from work and be more involved in raising children but it also might require pay gaps to be reported. estrella, cive me a pay gaps to be reported. estrella, give me a description pay gaps to be reported. estrella, give me a description in pay gaps to be reported. estrella, give me a description in terms i pay gaps to be reported. estrella, give me a description in terms of| give me a description in terms of what it is like where you are, across all of the issues we are talking about, so education, work roles, safety for women. i know you are particularly concerned about that. fit are particularly concerned about that. .., , are particularly concerned about that. , g ., , that. of course. my context now is i am livin: that. of course. my context now is i am living in that. of course. my context