Apr 23 2021 Read 61 Times
Author: Sanjeev K. Kanchan on behalf of Adage Automation Pvt. Limited
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Access to clean air is a fundamental right, however, the air we breathe today has become a grim killer globally. According to a WHO report, outdoor air quality alone kills over around 4.2 million every year; 90% of it in low- and middle-income countries. What we breathe indoors additionally impacts nearly half of the world’s population. Consequences are alarming, especially for India where air pollution related death has multiplied six times in the last decade.
A Global Burden of Disease report states that approximately 620,000 premature deaths occurred in India from air pollution-related diseases in 2010, outdoor pollution being fifth largest after blood pressure, indoor air pollution, smoking and malnutrition. With nearly 20% of global air pollution-related deaths, the challenges are complex for India, the first problem being its 1.38 bil