Project Title: Move Culver City Quick-Build Mobility Lane Project RFP # 2409 Bid Due Date: 10/19/2023 3:00 PM (PDT) Response Format: Electronic The City of Culver City is in search of a vendor for the MOVE Culver City Quick Build Mobility Lane Project. The project consists of up to three corridors, which are in various stages of pre-planning, planning, design, and implementation. The three corridors include: Corridor #1: Downtown Corridor, on Culver and Washington Boulevards Modifications to the existing corridor are currently in design, with implementation to the modified project (called Downtown 2.0) anticipated in November 2023. We are seeking consultant services to monitor performance and conduct public outreach after implementation of these modifications. Corridor #2: Sepulveda Boulevard, between Venice Blvd and Centinela Ave We are seeking consultant services to plan, design, and implement a context-sensitive mobility lane treatment on approximately 2.7 miles of this corrid