The fire starts as tiny flames on the stovetop in a City Heights apartment, but its progression is scary.By minute 2, material on the counter is ablaze, and at 2:50, so is the wooden cabinet above
Netflix s Pharmacist, Northshore officials praise making NARCAN available no questions asked If you had any doubt whatsoever what if it was your kid. You d be thankful to God that either you had a NARCAN to administer to them and save them. Author: WWL Staff Updated: 9:04 AM CDT April 30, 2021
ST. TAMMANY PARISH, La. People in St. Tammany Parish who need access to NARCAN an emergency nasal spray that can halt an opioid overdose can get a kit with two doses at select fire stations and offices of the Florida Parishes Health Services authority. While NARCAN is not a solution to addiction, it does offer citizens a second chance to save their loved one’s life, to start them on the path to recovery through treatment, officials said. We are committed to fighting this dreaded addiction to drugs. We are proud to facilitate this program.