On occasion, a development in the law while a case is pending on appeal may present an additional argument to raise. Although the general rule is that an appellant cannot raise issues for the first time on appeal.
9 & 10 News
January 26, 2021
The City of Charlevoix is looking to fill the third of their three commercial boat slips in their marina.
“We previously had two,” said Charlevoix Recreation Director Kent Knorr. “We made a request to the Waterways Commission to increase that to three because of some interest in the community for an additional slip.”
The two commercial slips host two charter boat companies: Sunshine Charter and Little Traverse Charter. For this newest slip, the city received two bids from northern Michigan businesses.
“The first of those is use of dockage for a company that’s selling boats,” said Knorr. “The second proposal is from a company that would like to rent or lease jet skis.”