PADEN CITY A University of Kentucky professor is seeking Paden City residents’ participation in a health study because of the city’s past issues with PCE in its drinking water. Titled the “Paden City Health Study,” the main page for the endeavor is located on the UK website and asks, “Has the water quality in […]
PADEN CITY The West Virginia Public Service Commission is concerned that the most recent water contamination issues in Paden City, along with previous bouts of contamination, may point to a larger problem. On Friday, the PSC announced that it had opened an investigation into the city’s water system. On a motion from legal staff […]
PADEN CITY An electrical transformer problem was the culprit in the failure of a valve at a Paden City air stripper plant, allowing a dangerous contaminant to enter the city’s water supply and force residents to stop using city water. Test results that would allow the city to lift that order could take several […]