Officials from the city of Jacksboro are continuing work on some projects and starting others as the year 2024 begins. Jacksboro City Manager Mike Smith said work on the proposed landfill on Highway 199 has developers ready to turn dirt sometime in the first quarter of 2024.
Jacksboro aldermen tabled an item on nominations and appointments to two boards during their Monday, June 26 meeting. Both the Board of Zoning and Planning and Zoning are full with only one, P&Z Chair Debbie Reaves expressing an interest to leave, according to City Manager Mike Smith.
After months of trying to get work on a pair of grants going, Jacksboro officials believe they have found administrators to do the job. Jacksboro City Manager Mike Smith explained during the Monday, June 12 city council meeting the grant administrators for the drainage and downtown grants, which the city had applied for 18 months ago, determined they could not perform the job.