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City Lampung Commander Kodim - Breaking News
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Dandim Romas Herlandes Hadiri Rakor Bersama Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian
Komandan Kodim 0410/KBL Kolonel Inf Romas Herlandes SE.,M.Si.,MM, bersama Forkopimda Kota Bandar Lampung mengikuti kegiatan Rapat Koordinasi
Kalimantan tengah
Indonesia general
Evaluation development
Undersecretary healtha republic indonesia
Space center diskominfo
Dandim attended joint ministry coordinator field economy
Head office health
Ministry coordinator field economya republic indonesia
Head office nexus
City lampung commander kodim
Colonel unity
City the lampung
Conference coordination
Ministry coordinator field economy
Republic indonesia
Activities conference
Kolonel Inf Romas Herlandes Hadiri Sidang Paripurna Istimewa Pidato Presiden RI di Gedung DPRD
Komandan Kodim 0410/KBL Kolonel Inf Romas Herlandes, S.E.,M.Si.,M.M., menghadiri Sidang Paripurna Istimewa dengan agenda mendengarkan Pidato Kenegaraa
Lampung timor
Court country
City lampung commander kodim
Trial plenary special
Speech state president
Republic indonesia
City the lampung
President george
Hopefully gods
God that power
Nation indonesia
Indonesia forward
Mayor the city lampung
Representative mayor fowl
Police chief the city lampung
District attorney the city lampung
Dandim Kolonel Inf Romas Herlandes Hadiri Acara Doa Bersama di Gedung Semergow
Komandan Kodim 0410/KBL Kolonel Inf Romas Herlandes, S.E.,M.Si.,M.M., menghadiri kegiatan Zikir dan Do a Bersama untuk Keselamatan Bangsa
Lampung dwiana
Caddis local administration fowl
Protocol health
Dandim colonel attended events prayer joint
City lampung commander kodim
Prayer joint
Safety nation
Republic indonesia
Building street
City the lampung
Mayor the city lampung
Representative mayor the city lampung
Organizations islam
Religion se town the city lampung
Mayor the city lampung dwiana
New year islam
Komandan Kodim 0410 Tinjau Persiapan Upacara Kemerdekaan RI ke 76 di Halaman Pemkot
Komandan Kodim 0410/KBL Kolonel Inf Romas Herlandes SE.,M.Si.,MM, menyaksikan gladi kotor Upacara Detik-detik Proklamasi
Kalimantan tengah
Jawa barat
Buildinga roof local administration
Cation propam police fowl
Pp local administration
Head police
Naked sabhara police fowl
City lampung commander kodim
Colonel unity
Ceremony seconds proclamation
Hoisting flag heirloom
City the lampung
Roof street
Village wells stone
Sub district bay cloaca north
Roof local administration the city lampung
Dandim 0410 Apresiasi Nakes yang Terlibat dalam Vaksinasi Covid 19 untuk Warga Umum di Makodim
Komandan Kodim 0410/KBL Kolonel Inf Romas Herlandes SE.,M.Si.,MM, apresiasi para tenaga kesehatan (Nakes) dari RS DKT Lampung dan Relawan PMI Provinsi
Kalimantan tengah
Jawa barat
Dandim appreciation health workers
Protocol health
Health workers
Presidents general
City lampung commander kodim
Colonel unity
Volunteers province lampung
Vaccination kodim
Street priest projection
City the lampung
Unit kodim
Colonel furthermore
Volunteers lampung
Thank god province lampung
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