A total of RM2,600 in compounds was issued by City Hall during a Health Ministry crackdown on errant eatery owners which was carried out simultaneously around the country earlier this week.
A total of 90 rate-payers from neighbourhoods in Luyang and Telipok, as well as an Inanam village, have been officially instructed to tidy up their property as the items strewn about their yards, and in the common area nearby, could potentially become a habitat for Aedes mosquitoes.
A greater emphasis is being placed on the cleanliness of toilets at shopping centres around Kota Kinabalu as City Hall strives to get the management companies (MCs) of these premises to provide shoppers with sanitary facilities which are four stars or better
A RATE-PAYER in the Kepayan Low Cost Housing area has been chided for failing to adequately tidy up his yard where he has piled up various recyclable items.
A spokeswoman for City Hall’s Environmental Health Department said the homeowner was reminded to clean up his compound earlier this month and warned that he could be penalised if he continued to disregard this request
Kota Kinabalu homeowners should ensure that the pipes from their kitchen sinks are connected to the sewers so that the soiled water from their premises does not wind up creating a bad smell in their neighbourhoods