"I'm surprised, I'm baffled, I'm angry," said City Councilmember Sandy Nurse, who represents East New York, where the city ran an earlier basement conversion pilot in 2019.
The Wyoming Public Service Commission, the agency that regulates utility companies, is holding a public hearing this Thursday in Casper seeking public comments on Rocky Mountain Power s proposal to increase rates by nearly 30%. Andrew Schneider is the operations director for the The Wyoming Arts Alliance, and serves on the board for the Nicolaysen Art Museum. He said the museum s current utility bill is already equal to the cost of one full-time employee. .
Emissions from buildings are a dangerous source of air pollution across the nation, according to a new report. The analysis showed the burning of fossil fuels from building and home appliances contributes harmful particles into the air. Dylan Plummer, Northwest senior field organizer for the Sierra Club, said outdoor air effects from fossil fuel use in the region are not just a threat inside buildings. .
As more renewable energy projects surface in Minnesota, a new poll suggested most Americans are comfortable having them around. As projects are developed, localized opposition can still be a factor. The Washington Post-University of Maryland poll found 75% of Americans wouldn t take issue with a solar farm being built in their community, with a similar result for wind farms. .
A recently signed law expands New York City s solar property tax abatement. This four year tax abatement allows for the construction of solar generating systems with residential and commercial buildings in the city. Building owners would end up saving more than $62,000 per year. .