Lawrence City Commissioner Lisa Larsen has filed for election to a seat on the Douglas County Commission. On Monday, Larsen filed for election in District 2, w
Though incumbent City Commissioner Lisa Larsen continues to prove herself a voter favorite, the next term will also see some new faces joining her at City Hall.
photo by: Lauren Fox
Volunteers listened to county and city leaders prior to the start of Douglas County s final mass vaccination clinic on April 28.
Douglas County hosted its last mass COVID-19 vaccination event on Wednesday after more than three months of clinics.
Since Jan. 29, Douglas County has held 26 mass vaccination clinics at the Douglas County Fairgrounds and administered around 55,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines. Prior to the start of the final event on Wednesday, county and city leaders addressed the crowd of volunteers to thank them for their involvement and commemorate the success of their efforts.
“I have been involved in a lot of things: the births of children, the deaths of a lot of people, the happy times, the sad times, the rewarding times … and I tell you that this clinic has been one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things I will ever do in my entire career,” Dennis Leslie, division chief of training with Lawrence-Douglas County Fire Medical, told