Staff members of the Ridgecrest Police Department and the City of Ridgecrest gathered Monday afternoon for a ceremony where Officer Laura Kenney was sworn in as the department s newest sergeant.
Abraham Vega-Flores was sworn in as the newest member of the Ridgecrest Police Department Monday at City Hall. In attendance were many members of his extended family, including his brother
The Ridgecrest City Council at its Nov. 2 meeting approved a contract with Realty Planners Group, Inc. to prepare the city s 2023-2031 Housing Element update. The contract is for $87,400.
The city is one step closer to having fenced softball fields at Leroy Jackson Sports Complex. The Ridgecrest City Council on Aug. 17 unanimously approved an agreement with Kern County
A first reading of a municipal code update streamlining the process for "granny flats," or accessory dwelling units (ADUs), was approved at the Ridgecrest City Council meeting last Thursday.In a nutshell, ADUs provide independent living facilities in residential zones, and the California legislature encourages their use to meet housing needs, according to city staff. One common nickname for the units is "granny flats." They can range from converted garages to additional pre-fab buildings