Following the lead of buy now, pay later plans, credit cards are also offering similar plans for cardholders. Experts say it's important to read the fine print.
As fintechs struggle, the bank is introducing a line of credit and plans new installment lending products shortly after launching its buy now/pay later product on Amazon Pay.
Citi/AAdvantage cardholders can now use Citi Flex Pay to afford big American Airlines purchases. But if you're not careful, you might end up paying more interest.
You can go out and splurge a little bit, he said Do it with savings. Don t go into debt for it.
Credit card interest rates are creeping higher, with the average card charging over 16%. If you don t have a great credit score, you can easily be paying 20% to 25%, Rossman noted.
If you do want to spend, do some legwork first to figure out a realistic amount.
List your financial goals on a spreadsheet, including long-term ones like retirement savings, said
Winnie Sun, co-founder and managing director of Sun Group Wealth Partners in Irvine, California.
Once you have that financial goals list, start with a choice that isn t going to break the bank. Save a bit each week or month until you can pay for it.