In this second part of my series on Amazon's AWS IoT Edukit learning program, I discuss the implementation of a serverless application by using some additional AWS IoT features.
Errata, Corrections, & Updates
Errata, Corrections, & Updates
Circuit Cellar‘s editorial staff endeavors to publish accurate information. When mistakes are made, the staff will note them on this page and include corrections.
If you think a mistake was published in
Circuit Cellar, please send your comments and suggestions to
Circuit Cellar 362 (September 2020)
A reader noticed an error in the schematic Figure 5 on page 9 in the article “Machine Vision Random Number Generator Using the Raspberry Pi” by Devlin Gualtieri. The 2N3906 transistor is flipped–the emitter should be connected to the +5V supply and the collector should be connected to the LED current-limiting resistors and LCD back light circuit. The transistor is correctly connected on the PCB layout (Figure 6).