Volunteer drivers with HMR Circle invited to receive Covid-19 vaccine Date published: 03 March 2021
Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale (HMR) Circle Volunteer Drivers Service
Volunteer drivers with social enterprise HMR Circle have been invited to receive the Covid-19 vaccine, with virtually all drivers having received a first dose.
Invited as health and social care staff, 26 drivers have now been vaccinated with their first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccination at Rochdale Infirmary.
Drivers with the HMR Circle Volunteer Drivers Service have been helping older residents throughout the pandemic with emergency food parcels, assistance with shopping, delivering medicines and transportation to medical appointments.
Mark Wynn, director of HMR Circle, said: “The HMR Circle Volunteer Drivers Service has been invited to join the vaccination programme for occupational immunisation of health and social care staff to protect people at higher risk of exposure.